Apart from raising flags and awareness, in Business Region Irish Sea we are the main event sponsors of the Belfast Pride Parade on Saturday 27 July and the Chester Pride Parade on Saturday 17 August. We are also sponsoring the Big Pride Picnic and Family Fun Day at Belfast City Hall on Saturday 20th July and we are proud sponsors of the Annual Belfast Pride Awards.
We have also put together a Pride guide for events throughout Europe with tips on how to get to the events using our routes. You can find the guide here.
Our internal efforts to become a more inclusive company is ongoing. We’re piloting a new recruitment process in Sweden and the UK involving the assessment tool Alva Labs.
”By using tests early in the process, we aim to objectively identify candidates best suited for the job, minimising biases related to factors like name, ethnicity, gender, age, or nationality, which may influence traditional CV-based evaluations,”
– says Anna Svedberg, Talent and Employer Brand Lead.
Another initiative is that we’ve updated our Anti-harassment Policy and launched a new training for all employees.
Moving forward, we are in the process of updating our uniform policy to steer away from binary norms. More on this to come, and just as we said on the International Women’s Day, we’ll celebrate when we get there.